SAPPOV: Why Chemical Companies Need The Cloud
At around $3 trillion, the chemicals sector is one of the biggest and most important in the world. And while the largest companies take the lion’s share of this pie, there is a thriving, fast-moving...
View ArticleSAPPOV: Four Ways Big Data Can Help The Chemical Industry
The fact that big data is “big” does not mean we should be scared of it. In fact, harnessing its power is both easier than you might think and, for the chemical industry, essential. Whatever the...
View ArticlePrecision Farming And The Role Of Big Data
The world population is expected to reach 9 billion in 2050 and, along with providing clean water, sustainable energy and accessible healthcare, feeding the world is one of humanity’s top global...
View ArticleTalent Management And The Future Of Work In Chemicals (Part 1)
Chemical companies are finally starting to see the light after a decade of struggling for survival. The future is looking bright with forecasted growth rates the highest the industry has seen in more...
View ArticleTalent Management And The Future Of Work In Chemicals (Part 2)
In the first part of my blog I pointed out that availability of talent is a top CEO concern. Let’s now discuss how technology-based strategies can be used to close the talent gap. The long-term success...
View ArticleThe Internet Of Things: 5 Real-World Examples Of What It Means For The...
Chemical companies are investing billions of dollars in technology solutions designed to capture, process and use data generated from a myriad of devices, partners and industry systems. As companies...
View ArticleThe Internet Of Things: 5 Real-World Examples Of What It Means For The...
As illustrated in part 1 of this blog series, the business benefits associated with converting data into action are significant. From increased responsiveness across entire supply chains to operational...
View Article6 Critical Factors For Achieving Success In The Chemical Industry
Companies in the chemical industry are facing fierce competition as they strive to drive sustainable innovation, growth, and profitability – especially after a decade of financial struggle and...
View ArticleHow Natural Gas Is Transforming Chemical Manufacturing
For years, we’ve been flooded with reports detailing how new drilling and fracking technology will unleash a supply of natural energy that will change the world. Suggested benefits of shale gas include...
View ArticleHow Natural Gas Is Transforming Chemical Manufacturing: Part II
The plentiful natural gas unleashed by new fracking technology has spawned a surprising resurgence of U.S.-based chemical manufacturing. An abundance of shale gas has made the U.S. the lowest-cost...
View ArticleThe Effect Of Global Mega Trends On The Chemical Industry
The global economic situation is extremely volatile, especially for the chemical industry. According to the 18th Annual Global CEO Survey from pwc, there are five global trends that are expected to...
View ArticleHow IoT Could Transform The Chemical Industry
The IoT is a hot topic. But while everyone agrees that it’s here—or at least is coming—not everyone in the chemical industry knows exactly what the Internet of Things is, or what it will mean to them....
View ArticleHow IoT Could Transform The Chemical Industry: Part II
The cost of adopting IoT is falling rapidly, with the cost of sensors now about 20 percent of what it was just a few short years ago. Just as telling, Forrester Research predicts that by 2020, U.S....
View ArticleWill Chemicals And Capital Markets Continue To Go Strong?
Chemical companies are usually considered quite conservative. But according to McKinsey and Company research, the chemical sector is among the highest-performing industries. Total return to...
View ArticleDigital Transformation Enables Agility In Chemical Industry
In a volatile industry such as chemicals, the nimblest organizations prosper the most. Recent research from McKinsey and Company shows that those companies that frequently and strategically reallocate...
View ArticleChemical Industry: 4 Opportunities Provided By Internet Of Things
Chemical firms are embracing the Internet of Things, and in doing so, they are making new partnerships possible. Technology improvements allow firms to partner with companies in many fields. With...
View ArticleHow The Chemical Industry Is Preparing For Sustainable Business Success
According to the most recent PwC CEO Survey, the chemical industry faces continuous challenges to growth and profitability, even in the best of times – over-regulation, geo-political unrest, and scarce...
View ArticleManaging Chemical Prices And Margins In A Highly Volatile Environment
According to McKinsey, the chemical industry rests on a volatile foundation: the price and supply of oil. The oil price declines that began in 2014 found many chemical producers unprepared for the...
View ArticleInnovation: Key To Chemical Industry Success
The chemical industry is essential to our world economy, and innovation sits at the heart of it. New technologies have paved the way for future growth and are becoming essential to the success of...
View ArticleThe Boardroom As A Catalyst For Digital Transformation
Given the fast pace of digital transformation in every industry, board members need to become more familiar with technology and its transformative properties if they hope to keep company executives...
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